
Patterns in the Void

Created by Arcanum Game Studio

Patterns in the Void is a new Zine for the Mothership Sci-Fi Horror RPG. If you have missed our Kickstarter campaign, join now to get your hands on our printed Zine. **Note: Due to fluctuating global shipping rates, we will be charging shipping fees at a later date. We will keep you updated through Kickstarter Updates for when shipping fees will be applied to your pre-order. Thank you for your patience and understanding!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Last Update in 2023 - Sandalphon & the Sleeping Angels
4 months ago – Sun, Dec 31, 2023 at 10:10:02 AM

Dear backers, 

after working intensely on the project in the last months, we can present you with the first rough text works for the adventures, which you can download under the following link:

Sandalphon & the Sleeping Angels

Since this is a work in progress, please share your thoughts and comments with us, so we can improve and make these adventures as interesting and accessible as possible. Keep in mind that these are only the first drafts, which will be refined and illustrated as our work continues.

Sandalphon - Draft

Thanks a lot for all of your patience and continued support, 

Happy New Year 2024, 

Team Arcanum

November Update: Project Progress and Next Steps
6 months ago – Thu, Nov 09, 2023 at 01:38:10 PM

Hi Backers

Outlined here is our action plan, designed to steer the project back on course:

Playable Content Delivery

Our priority is to release playable material swiftly. As such, our immediate objective is to distribute drafts of the “Pamphlet Adventures” and the first adventure of the zine “Dreams of a Promised Land” until the end of November.

Feedback and Layout

The layout is the next step coming after sending out the initial material and  receiving your feedback on the written content. This work will be done by our new team members.

This strategy allows our writers to concentrate on further developing the adventures and zine content and enable us to implement your feedback on drafts, while work continues on other parts of the zine.

Artwork Considerations

The conversation around AI-generated art has evolved since our project's inception. Our zine was conceived as an artistic exploration, a stance we've transparently communicated from the beginning. The art was always intended to be crafted with a blend of AI assistance and human artistry.

As an artist myself, I see it more as a tool to create a starting point for working on images. This technology serves as a catalyst, enabling us to enhance and refine our artistic expressions.

In December, we're looking forward to giving you more detailed insight into our artistic process.

Proofreading and Printing

Once text, art, and layout converge, the project will move to final proofreading before printing. Expect regular updates on this phase and other ongoing work over the next few months. Drafts will always be send to you beforehand.

We focus on bringing our zine to life and are really grateful for your continued support and feedback. Stay tuned for more updates.

Best regards,
Team Arcanum



  • finalize preliminary drafts for "Pamphlet Adventures"
  • finalize preliminary drafts for "Dreams of a Promised Land"
  • send out first drafts for “Pamphlet Adventures” and “Dreams of a Promised Land”


  • finalize preliminary drafts for  "The Dossiers"
  • start and progress with layout drafts
  • review your initial content feedback
  • send out first drafts for “The Dossiers”


  • finalize preliminary drafts for "The Bicameral Mind" content.
  • finalize preliminary drafts for "Fountain of Youth" content.
  • send out first drafts for “The Bicameral Mind” and “Fountain of Youth”


  • integrate your feedback and finalize content and layout
  • send out the layouted PDFs to all Backers
  • additional feedback on those PDFs and final editing

A New Dawn (September Update)
7 months ago – Fri, Sep 29, 2023 at 10:03:14 AM

Dear Backers,

It's been a while since our last update, and I sincerely apologize for this delay. Change, they say, is the only constant, and it is in that spirit that we're ushering in a new phase for our project.

To begin with, based on the events and developments of recent months, we are making crucial changes to our Kickstarter team. Alex will now be focusing exclusively on the music and sound project, freeing him from responsibilities related to communication and the backend management of Kickstarter or Backerkit. Moving forward, all such responsibilities will be shared between new team members and me. My primary focus will be on writing, art direction, and the production of the PDFs and printed items related to this Kickstarter campaign. We've realigned our individual roles and responsibilities, ensuring that each one of us focuses on our strengths.

In terms of the adventures and the zine, we've expanded our team for improved communication, regular updates, and streamlined work processes. We're excited to welcome a new writer, proofreader, and editor to the fold. They're here to pick up from where we left off and drive the project with renewed vigor. This restructuring is a proactive step to breathe new life into the project. Rest assured, this endeavor is very close to my heart, and under no circumstances will we abandon it. Recognizing areas of improvement and seeking external help was essential, and I'm glad we've taken that step.

Admitting our shortcomings and navigating through the challenges has not been straightforward. However, it's an essential part of growth and progress. Above all, we owe you, our dedicated backers, better communication and transparency. Your patience and support mean the world to us, and we're committed to delivering on our promises.

The upcoming phases of our journey will focus on the completion of the pamphlets, ensuring their PDF versions are ready for distribution. Furthermore, we are eager to present the first adventure from the book, "DREAM OF A PROMISED LAND", after it gets more revisions done by the new team members.

Once we have the adventures in their finalized (albeit not entirely layouted) form, we will present them to you, our invaluable backers. Your feedback is integral to us. Drawing from your insights, we will roll out each segment of the promised material, refining our work along the way based on your input.

Lets get it forward again, step by step.
Jack Arcanum & the New Arcanum Team

June Update 02
11 months ago – Wed, Jun 21, 2023 at 02:33:39 PM

Hello Backers,

This is Alex reaching out to you after a long period of silence. I want to sincerely apologize for the absence and provide you with an update on myself and the current progress of the soundscapes.

Over the past year, things have been quite disastrous, not just for me but for many people around me as well. Since winter 2020, I have been grappling with serious episodes of depression and anxiety. Unfortunately, I know these struggles have become increasingly common. In the last six months, things haven't been going too well for me. I had to cancel numerous plans as my energy was dedicated to managing even the simplest daily tasks, which only exacerbated my feelings. However, with summer here, I have sought medical help, and I believe things will start improving soon.

I wanted to share this very personal experience for one important reason: if any of you are also dealing with depression or anxiety, please know that you are not alone. Your problems may feel incredibly complex, unique, and difficult to describe or comprehend. However, once you seek professional help, you will realize that many others face similar challenges for similar reasons. Most of the time, there is a way out of the darkest depths. All you need is someone to help you see things that may otherwise remain invisible. It's alright to stumble, it's alright to disappoint others sometimes. Take all the time you need to take care of yourself and learn to be kind to yourself.

Soundscapes: Despite the challenges, I've managed to work on the drones, songs, and ambient pieces intermittently. Together, the three soundscapes, along with the soundtrack, will provide a total playtime of 6 hours. That's a substantial amount of music. As proof of concept, I've prepared a preview playlist showcasing the current state of my work. You can find it here:

I will continue adding new tracks to the playlist as they become ready. Currently, the playlist has a playtime of 3 hours, so there is still some content missing.

What's next? The goal is to have approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes of drones with music and sound effects layered on top, plus about 15 minutes of solo sound effects/atmospheres for each soundscape (90 minutes multiplied by 3). Once the drone part is complete, Manuel will add his sound effects and atmospheres (you can preview some on the SoundCloud playlist), while I will incorporate the non-drone music. Most of the sound effects and atmospheres have already been recorded and are awaiting integration. Subsequently, we'll select the best parts and some "deleted scenes" from the soundscapes to create the soundtrack. Mixing, mastering, testing, and then it's done. The digital download will be made available to you.

I'm unable to provide an accurate estimation of when all of this will be finished due to the unpredictable nature of anxiety. However, we're getting closer to the finish line, and for that, I'm certain.

Thank you all for your patience, and I sincerely hope for your understanding.

Take care,


June Update 01: Into the Setting
11 months ago – Tue, Jun 06, 2023 at 04:29:53 AM

Hope this message finds you well! So, here's the deal - we're back again with another update to keep you in the loop as promised. Let's dive right into it, shall we?

As previously communicated, the Pledge Manager officially closed its operations last week. We appreciate your contributions and now we eagerly await the conclusive data from the Backer Kit. This information is critical to us as it helps us streamline our processes and set the stage for the next steps.

Regarding the collection of shipping addresses, we'd like to assure you that it's very much on our agenda. However, we'll be reaching out to you for these details closer to the shipment dates to ensure we have the most accurate information.

Now, let's shift focus to the heart of our project - the Pamphlet adventures. We're truly excited to share that our creative team has been making notable strides in bringing this content to life. The work they've put in is progressing, and the outcomes are incredibly encouraging. We know you're waiting with bated breath, eager to embark on these adventures.

With this in mind, we're planning to share a sneak peek of these pamphlets during our key update this month. We hope that this preview stirs up the same thrill in you that it does in us.

But that's not all, we've got another treat for you today - a little insight into the intriguing backdrop and setting of 'Patterns in the Void'. We believe that a deeper understanding of the context will further enrich your anticipation and overall experience.

Some of the Art for the different Setting Locations within the Module.

Setting Assumptions

The Far Horizon Sectors serve as the backdrop for the world depicted in the Patterns in the Void Zine. The following assumptions are foundational elements that provide a basis for creating your experiences within the scenarios of the module. These guidelines serve as the default starting point and should be discussed or summarized when introducing the content of the module to the player group. They will help to ensure a shared understanding of the setting and provide a framework for storytelling.

The Far Horizon Sectors

The Far Horizon Sectors are a dangerous and enigmatic frontier, where humanity has established settlements a few decades ago, long after the first waves of generation ships and settlement programs of the last few centuries failed disastrously. These distant sectors are now home to a rich mix of cultures, but isolation and limited communication between settlements remain common.

The inhabitants of the Far Horizon are pioneers in a largely uncharted realm, where much of the sectors remain in waiting to be explored. With no exception, humanity is the only known intelligent life form, and the presence of other civilizations is limited to rumors about alien remnants in the form of enigmatic and hazardous ruins. This remote frontier is more often than not complete on its own. When a disaster strikes, it is often way to late till the corporations react and send help, if at all.


The technological advancement has not kept pace with the rapidly expanding frontiers of humanity. The corporations, who hold significant sway over the development and distribution of technology, prioritize profits over progress. As a result, the technology available to settlers and workers in the Far Horizon Sectors can at best be considered slightly advanced, and in some cases, even regressive in comparison to contemporary technologies. This limitation is exacerbated by the scarcity of resources in the Sectors, making resourcefulness and creativity essential traits for survival in this challenging environment.

But the New Frontiers are also characterized by dangerous and experimental technologies that corporations have introduced to the colonies and settlers. Despite the potential dangers, these corporations continue to profit from their implementation without regard for the consequences. Those who have nothing often accept anything that promises to improve their life.

One of the most pressing examples is the use of cryogenic tanks. Although it is a valuable tool for survival in the hostile environment of the Far Horizon Sectors, the technology is still largely untested and the consequences of long-term use are unknown. The same can be said for terraforming attempts that have gone awry, leading to irreversible damage to the local ecosystems and habitats. Another significant risk comes from the genetic engineering experiments performed on both humans and animals.

The corporations ignore the fact that these engineered genes can spread uncontrollably, leading to unpredictable and potentially disastrous consequences. To keep these dangers from the public eye, the corporations declare their technologies as safe and rigorously guard their secrets.

They downplay any reported problems and claim their technologies have undergone extensive testing and are safe for use. This manipulation of the truth allows the corporations to continue their dangerous practices unchecked, putting the lives of colonists and settlers at risk in the pursuit of profit.


Life in the Far Horizon Sectors is a constant battle, not only against the dangers of the unknown, but also against the oppressive corporations that hold a monopoly over the colonies and settlers. These corporations, with their vast resources and advanced technologies, exert their control through dictating trade terms, restricting access to vital resources, and using force or manipulation to impose their will.

The society in the Far Horizon Sectors is flawed, with those in power hoarding resources and technologies to the detriment of the working class. The settlers and miners, who endure harsh conditions, are exploited for their labor and treated as disposable assets. In response, resistance movements such as the miner unions and settler organizations have formed, striving to challenge the imperialistic and oppressive forces in search of justice.

These groups vocalize their dissent when the corporations are not paying attention, but the reality is that the powers-that-be are aware of the underlying tensions and discontent. To avoid destabilizing the status quo, the corporations tolerate, and even encourage, the illusion of resistance and dissent. By allowing the workers a degree of freedom to voice their frustrations, the corporations maintain control while avoiding the appearance of oppression. The carefully crafted narrative serves as a release valve for the anger and discontent that simmers just beneath the surface, functioning much like a well-rehearsed stage play.

The corporations have a tendency to shift the blame for their failures onto raiders and other unsavory factions. However, the reality is often much more complicated and sinister. There are rumors that some corporations are spreading tales of strange discoveries and even alien intervention as a smokescreen to hide their own disasters, which have resulted in the loss of countless lives. Despite these rumors, the corporations maintain a stranglehold on power, using their control over information and resources to maintain their grip on the populace.

Optimism is a luxury reserved only for the top echelon of corporate management. Despite the inherent dangers and unknown perils associated with settling in the far reaches of the Far Horizon Sectors, a great many individuals choose to undertake this challenge in pursuit of a brighter future. However, it is important to note that the actual experience of settling in these uncharted territories can often be grueling and filled with unexpected hardships. Despite this, the majority of settlers view the difficulties they face as preferable to the uncaring and inhumane conditions present in the core worlds of the galaxy. The hope for a better life and a chance to shape the future drives these pioneers to endure the hardships of life on the frontiers of humanity.


This is our first part highlighting the background and lore from the Patterns in the Void Zine. It serves as our backdrop while writing and creating adventure modules for Mothership, but keep it adjustable so you can grab and insert any parts into your ongoing campaigns or homebrew settings.

That concludes this update. We thank you for your patience, enthusiasm, and most importantly, your support. Stay tuned for more in the coming weeks.

Till the next time, The Arcanum Team